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Introducing Custom Roles For Your Growing Event Team | Product Update

Meet the needs of your growing event team with hyper-specific user roles and permissions.

What we heard…

Events are growing exponentially.

They are growing as an integral piece of the marketing strategy for companies small and large, and the teams in charge of organizing and managing the events are expanding too. 

With that growth comes unique roles, individuals dedicated to very specific aspects of the event’s planning and management. And when it comes to speaker and content management, there are so many layers of access and detail to divvy up.

But what if your speaker and content management platform doesn’t provide your team with the flexibility to create dedicated roles and permissions for your users?

What this means…

Well, without the capability to provide your event team with hyper-specific permissions, they will struggle to be efficient. Your team will inevitably run into confusion and redundancy, and it will be difficult to keep everyone focused on their own dedicated tasks.

And as events and event teams continue to grow, this problem will only become more painful for your organization.

What we did…

So we listened to the market and our clients and created Custom Roles to fit the emerging positions within modern event teams. 

Along with this powerful new customization feature, we have also expanded the existing default roles to include commonly requested emerging needs.

Roles like:

  • Content Manager
  • Communications Manager
  • Reporting Manager
  • Admin Lite
  • Evaluator Session Manager
  • Exhibitor Manager
  • Sponsor Manager
  • Portal User
  • Reporting Only Admin
  • Session Manager

How does it work?

Simply select “invite user”, then either select an existing role to start with or ‘create new profile”.

Use the permissions “on/off” switches to select exactly what functionality and modules this role should access. 

And then simply save the new role so you can apply it to any and every team member it is fit for.

For example, you may have an event admin who should not have access to reporting, or admin who only deals with reports. Perhaps you have a smaller team where your Evaluation Session Managers will also be in charge of managing accepted content as well. Or maybe your content management team is split among those managing speaker content (bio’s, headshots, file requests) and those managing session content (session uploads ex. presentations, handouts, abstracts).

With roles, you can set a collective group of permissions that empower your team to manage only what they need without distractions or access to unnecessary functions.

What this means…

The combinations are endless, and our Custom Roles update is meant to serve you and your ever-evolving, ever-expanding events team. It’s all a part of our continued efforts to build the best-in-class speaker and content management platform. 

Our commitment to our clients and the market at large is this: the more events grow in size and in strategy, the less time you will spend managing your speakers and content. 

Our Commitment To Event Organizers

With features like Custom Roles, Sessionboard is redefining the way events are organized and managed. This focused approach enhances privacy, accountability, and efficiency, leading to a smoother, more successful event experience for everyone involved.

Get Started

Ready to witness the power of Sessionboard? Schedule a free demo today and elevate your collaborative experience!

Ian Davis

Marketing Manager

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